It's time to Enroll into Victory Steps Academy STEAM Program!!
Students at Victory Steps Academy are always excited to get involved in our STEAM activities. We provide a variety of options for all types of interests, and encourage students to find the best fit for them.

STEAM Program
Lets STEAM it Up!!!!!!
Our STEAM program is combined with Project Based Learning. We are completely hands-on in our activities and guide our students into making fantastic work. We encourage our children to become innovators by creating real world designs. Our activities requires problem solving that is guided by professionals. Some of our concentrations are Robotics, Waterbotics, Electrical Engineering, structure, Coding, Science, Green Screens, Physical Fitness training, and a host of different activities that are fun and educational. Contact us today for additional information!

Mental Health & Health and Wellness Workshops
Being the best YOU!!!
When we speak of the whole child, we must not forget to mention a child’s mental health and their health and wellness. Mental Health and Health and Wellness workshops are provided to you and your family. Workshops are an opportunity for you to ask questions and seek further assistance guided by professionals. At VSA we have monthly workshops that are held by a Licensed Social Worker on Mental Health and Health and Wellness workshops guided by LPN's. We welcome all VSA families to attend.